Dayspring Verse


Sunday, Jul 14

  • The office will be closed July 19-29th
  • The children will be holding a Pie Auction next Sunday, July 21st.
  • Family Life Committee meeting after services on the 21st.
  • August 4th will begin the Adult Bible Class's study of the book of Psalms. Dr. Grant Testut will head up the series as well as other members.
  • August 4th, we will have a shower for Lennon, Molly, and the kids during our break time.
  • New Website coming soon! Jonathan will be rolling out the "how-tos" soon.
  • Lennon and Molly were married. They are joining their families. We have a shower planned on Sunday, August 4th during the break time. There is an appeal on GivingTools.
  • Vespers will take a break for the summer months. 

To post to this page, contact Ward Romberger.

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